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Angelique Bouquet


"I'm Thinking of You" has never looked or smelled better than with this beautiful bouquet of flowers, abounding with life and color. Let these multi-hued, cheerful lilies, stargazers and daisies tell a special person in your life that they're on your mind.

The Colors of Love


Picturesque luminous blooms in red and white display the genuine Colors of Love. White symbolizes peace and tranqulity, and red symbolizes love and romance for a perfect combination to show your undivided affections. Court that special someone with a gift that will never be forgotten.

Glorious Thinking of You B..


Vibrant cheerful colors explode from this charming basket of gloriously colorful and fragrant flowers. What a beautiful and heartwarming gift!

White Lilies of Peace Basket


Renew spirits with a generous breath of fresh air! Artistically arranged with assorted white flowers and lovely greens, this thoughtful basket truly adds an aura of peace and harmony to the room.

Highlights of Elegance


Dazzle that special someone with a brush of deep red and shimmering white blossoms that speak louder than words can express. The Highlights of Elegance are the theme of the day for love and romance are the heart of life. Spend that special occasion with that cherished someone that truly adored you.

Cotton Candy


Candy colored roses and carnations are collected in a sugar-spun shimmering glass vase full of flowers in this dulcet design. A pretty pink ribbon is the icing on the cake! Flowers are a sweet treat to say "You're in my thoughts today and every day!"

One Dozen Pink Thinking of..


A marvellous medley of color and fragrance, these pink roses, nestled among lush greens, make for a tantalizing treat for someone you are thinking of.

Love Roses


Luminous with classic beauty, this lovely bouquet of twelve perfect roses truly expresses all you have to say. A most wonderful symbol of your dear support!

The Abundance of Life


An overflowing cluster of charming daises and timeless yellow flowers are a perfect pairing, creating an amazingly pretty and polished arrangement. A classic bouquet to create an enduring memory today!

Sunshine and Rain


Vivid and lively, this bright, cheerful assortment of yellow and purple flowers radiates luminous joy and charm! Breathtakingly bold and vivaciously brilliant, these blissful blooms are sure to make a splendidly special gift!

Pink Crush


Subtle beauty shimmers from this exquisite array of pink roses. Radiating natural grace and charm, these velvety blooms will fill any room with joyous light, making them a breathtaking and sweet smelling gift!

Spirit of Nature


Capture the spirit of nature with this vibrant assortment of colorful blossoms. Express your tender thoughts with the uplifting power of fresh flowers�order a delivery from a talented florist today!

Six Pink Roses


Stunning and exquisite, this array of six sensational pink roses brims with classic beauty and breathtaking elegance. Velvety, vibrant and truly sweet smelling, these blooms are an unforgettable gift!

My Endless Love


Celebrate with elegant sophistocation as if off to the royal ball or being knighted for a lifetime of knightmanship! Hues of innate royalty shout bold and beautiful in the eye of that special someone. Walk her down the court as a true princess to be.

Gracious Flirt


Charming, lovely, and absolutely precious, this bouquet of fresh flowers in pretty reds and pinks radiates both style and harmony. A truly thoughtful touch!

Sweet Daisy Dreams


Delightful, darling daisies dance dreamily in haute hues of lovely lavender and peppy purple! Charming and sweet smelling, these vibrant flowers make a smile-inducing, cheerful gift!

Forever Yours Bouquet


Replenish spirits with a gorgeous breath of fresh air! Beautifully arranged with lovely roses, lilies, and greens, this thoughtful bouquet truly adds an aura of peace and harmony to the room.

Heartfelt Harmony


Its as if winning the lottery when that special someone graces the unexpected arrival of Heartfelt Harmony in a fantabulous palette of exuberant colors. Everybody is a winner on that special day to be remembered with a selfless token of affection!

Scarlet Fusion


A vibrant, fresh fusion of pink, purple and magenta radiates vivid beauty and vivacity. Bold and brilliant, these flowers are sure to illuminate any room, making them a truly breathtaking and sweet smelling gift!

Indian Summer Arrangement


Roses burst from this bouquet in colors of pink, peach, yellow, red, blue and purple, filling any room with vibrance and joy. This medley of fragrance and beauty is an ideal gift for someone you are thinking of.

Changing Colors Bouquet


Pamper someone you love and send flowers to let them know you're thinking of them. This beautiful boquet is brimming with elegance and style and is sure to turn someone's day from ordinary to extraordinary.

Colors of the Heart Bouquet


Send flowers to a friend or loved one just because they're on your mind. This bold assortment is an ideal gift to show someone you care.

Smooth Jazz Bouquet


When someone special is on your mind, send the gift of flowers. This stunning, eye-catching arrangement of white tulips is an ideal way to say Thank You and one they will not soon forget.

Fresh Flowers Arrangement


Nothing shows love and caring like the Fresh Flowers Bouquet, bursting with red, yellow, blue and purple roses. This lively and vibrant assortment of blooms is a euphoric blend of color and fragrance.

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